
Policies & Procedures


  • A work shirt to cover clothes when doing messy projects

  • Slippers, Crocs or heavy socks

  • Note: Please label your child’s name in all clothing, shoes, boots, coats, slippers, work shirts, etc. 


  • Toys, guns, war toys, candy, gum, money or any battery operated items

  • Please do not send in uneaten breakfast or lunch items.  If your child needs additional time to finish eating, please take that time before entering the classroom.  They will not be permitted to go to cubbies to continue eating or drinking.


  • Dress your child for the weather. Part of our program is outdoors. 

  • We will try to go out to play most days at the end of our session.  Occasionally, we will have a lesson outdoors.  Exceptions are: below zero, icy or stormy.

  • If your child is prone to bathroom accidents, please send in an extra set of clothes.  These can be left in your child’s cubbie until we feel that they are not needed. Please make sure these items are labeled and in a bag.


  • Play with children. Usually supervise one group or rotate with teachers.

  • Help prepare snack. Keep snack area cleaned and picked up. Assist children with serving themselves and picking up their dishes. Wash and put away dishes.

  • Help with arts and crafts activities. Teach holding scissors, cutting, holding pencil, wiping paint brush of excess paint. Paintings should not be too drippy. 

  • Parent helpers should refrain from social and personal conversations during class time.  If you need to use your cell phone, please leave the classroom.


  • Snacks will be provided each day for your child.  We will encourage them to try a variety of different foods and drinks.

    • If your child has any food allergies, please let us know.

  • Northwood Women’s Club provides the funding for our snack program.  They request that parents make a donation of $30/year to help defray the costs.  Please place your donation in the “Snack” canister on the table in the front of the classroom.  Make checks payable to Northwood Women’s Club

  • We welcome special healthy treats for birthday celebrations.  Please let us know a few days in advance that you will be providing a birthday treat.